Podcast Prodigy – Review, Bonus
Podcast Prodigy – Review, Bonus
Podcast Prodigy By Rachel Rofe – How You Can Get In Front of Thousands Of Targeted Visitors For FREE! The author gets about 4,000 views for EVERY podcast edition)
Podcast Prodigy was created specifically for positive, action-taking entrepreneurs who want to get traffic to their sites.
It’s for people who know they have great content to share but need to find a way for more people to get in front of it.
Here’s whats included:
– Setting the foundation for your podcasting
– Creating ultra compelling content
– Easy uploading
– Perfect podcast posts
– Market, market, market!
– Scale up!As you can see, there is a TON of value here. I’ve done my best to give you everything you need to succeed with podcasting.
You get templates that I personally use, checklists, and some of my most closely-guarded sources… all so everything is as seamless as possible for you.
This course has a heck of a lot of value.
You’re going to get access to information that took me months – and a lot of money – to learn. Not only did I spend money on my podcast, but I also paid to interview some of the best-of-the-best podcasters out there to give you the best information possible.
Besides that, you’re going to be getting my podcast traffic generation strategy (proven to get 1500 to 4000 downloads per episode), scripts I use to interview people (saving yourself embarrassment is priceless), and all kinds of checklists to make life as easy as possible for yourself.
Heck – I’ve racked up over 105,000 downloads in 5 months. Knowing how to create that kind of traffic on demand is pretty powerful.
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